We want to make it perfectly clear that the JRS'S goal is not to test or give belts away. With that being said, we would like to honor those who have put in the training time and are ready for promotion. Our goal is to have a master level instructor from the main styles of martial arts so we can direct the testing student to the correct teacher for testing.
Upper black belt ranks are recognized for an Instructor's active promotion of his or her art. There are no politics!! We do not want control of your school or your school's curriculum. We feel that the Head Instructor of your school, knows the needs and requirements of your area and students.
International Registration of Martial Arts Certificates, Ranks, Grades, Titles, Licenses or other Official Documents under the name of Jujutsu Research Society will be recognized, registered and issued only after complete presentation of original documents.
The act of promotion from one grade to the next should be presented and demonstrated in the presence of one of our Masters.