At the Samurai Compound, the dojo of Jugoshin Ryu Jujutsu, we believe in only bringing the best instruction to our students. All instructors must complete a rigorous instructor training program before they are allowed to teach. Just because one receives a black belt in a martial art does not mean they should be a teacher. We offer the Uchi Deshi program for those who wish to be a teacher here at The Honbu Dojo. We also offer the Kenshusei program for those who live far away but have the desire to teach one day and receive a teaching license.
New Smyrna Beach
Gracie Jiu-jitsu
Brazilian Jiu-jitsu
Jugoshin Ryu Jujutsu
New Smyrna Beach
Gracie Jiu-jitsu
Brazilian Jiu-jitsu
Jugoshin Ryu Jujutsu